Wednesday, January 25, 2017

The Uh-Oh Chorus

The boys' favorite word lately is "uh-oh." They have taken to saying it All. The. Time. I'm starting to wonder if toddlers can have OCD because anything that is out of place merits an "uh-oh!"

Take yesterday morning, for instance. I heard someone making noise in their bedroom so I went in to check on them. Gus was up; Gibson was fast asleep. Since only one kid was awake, I didn't go through all of the normal morning rituals. I just got Gus out of bed to change his diaper, after which he pointed and told me "uh-oh" about all of the following:

  • The humidifier was in their room (I usually put it away in our bedroom when they get up)
  • The sound machine was still plugged in (I have to unplug it and put the cord up or else they yank it down on their heads)
  • Gibson was asleep
  • The playroom doors were closed
  • The light was not on in the kitchen

Good grief! They also like to say "uh-oh" about these things:

  • The curtains are closed
  • Any light is off
  • Their shoes are on the floor, rather than put away in the cupboard
  • They drop anything, whether accidentally or on purpose
  • They spill something
  • A door is open/closed when it shouldn't be
I'm glad to see they have developed such good attention to detail. Now I think we should work on being a little flexible with our environment...

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