Thursday, September 4, 2014

Delta Fair

It's fair time! On Labor Day we went to the Delta Fair here in town. I can't find online how many years this fair has been around. There used to be a Mid-South fair in Memphis up until 2008, so I'm guessing this event is fairly new. (Ha ha!) I'm also not sure if it's just for Shelby Co., or the surrounding region. My point is, I don't know exactly what to compare it to. It's not as big as the Puyallup or the Oregon State Fair, but both of those are state-wide events. TN has its own state fair in Nashville, which would make sense since it's the capital.

And now, on to the Delta Fair report. It had all the classic fair experiences one would expect. There are tons of rides, midway games, and food vendors. We watched a number of short shows (circus-style performers).

You've gotta have tigers in Memphis, right??

Something I hadn't seen before was the Banana Derby - monkeys riding on dogs!

Food: I got a pronto pup (tasty) and a BBQ pork sandwich (not so tasty). The BBQ truck said it was North Carolina style though the workers' shirts said something about Georgia. I don't know what they did to the meat, but it had this weird sweet-tangy flavor, and no smokiness. Too much vinegar, maybe? Ugh, a BBQ travesty!

Weather: hot, hot, hot! It was in the low 90s. I was melting. I defied the fair's ban on outside drinks by bringing in my own CamelBak so I could at least stay hydrated without paying an arm and a leg. Luckily there was a big air conditioned exhibit hall. We hung out in there a lot! That's where they had displays of quilts, photography, sewing projects, baked goods, artwork, crafts, etc.

This U of M wreath is quintessential Memphis style :)

Origami wreath with some similar flowers to what I made for our wedding decor!

Also inside, we watched some performances for the "Star of the Fair" contest. It's a kids talent show. After the 3rd kid sang "Tomorrow," we decided to seek entertainment elsewhere. We came back later and I said "Let's stay until someone sings 'Tomorrow'." I think we lasted about 3 songs that time :)

There were plenty of outdoor attractions as well. The petting zoo had several photogenic critters. I hadn't seen a tortoise in a petting zoo before!

There was lots to see and do, but to be honest, I was kind of underwhelmed by the offerings. One of the biggest draws was a CrossFit competition. I really don't care to watch a bunch of buff athletes doing burpees and reminding me how out of shape I am! And I missed the various exhibits and displays that come with a state fair. Where was the whole barn full of chickens? (We went out to the livestock area and saw maybe 10-20 cows, and a handful of goats.) Where was the vegetable-produce diorama depicting the state's history?

In conclusion, I recommend the Delta Fair for people who really enjoy carnival rides, and for kids who haven't been to a fair before. But the rest of you can probably skip it without missing out too much.

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