Saturday, January 30, 2016

Stay-At-Home-Mom, Literally

We are emerging from the fog of sickness over here, finally. The pediatrician thinks Baby B might have had a bad cold or RSV, but at least we're at the tail end of it now. Sheesh, two weeks of two sick kids is a lot of sickness!

I realized that I've hardly left the house at all for the month of January. I am literally becoming a stay-at-home mom. Here is a list of times I can recall actually going anywhere since 1/1.

  • Church - once
  • Doctor's appointments - 4 times
  • Target and UPS Store combined trip - once
  • Kroger - once
  • Batteries Plus - once
  • Sam's Club (which was actually a trip to Walmart to return a Christmas gift that turned out to be from K-Mart...but I didn't want my drive all the way down to Winchester to be wasted...) - once
  • Walks around the neighborhood - maybe 8-10 times
  • Random drives to make the babies fall asleep - approximately 3
  • Lunch at a restaurant with a friend! A real, grown up experience! - once

People keep telling me, "it's going to get better." I'm trying to believe them. I heard that 6 months is the magical age when life with twins suddenly becomes easier. If we're going by adjusted age, I have about 3 more weeks to go. Then it will be all rainbows and unicorns and butterflies, yes?

Actually, I am starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Just recently, the babies seem to have discovered each other, and I'm happy to say they think the other is pretty interesting. I put them both in the same crib for a bit the other day when I was doing something in the kitchen, and when I came back they were grabbing at each other and giggling. It was cute :)  If they are able to entertain each other, that will be awesome! I might be able to get something done every now and then.

As for leaving the house, well, if they stay healthy maybe we can even manage to get out and about once in awhile, too. I've got them on the waiting list for Mother's Day Out at church for the spring. Then I'd really be footloose and fancy free!

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