Thursday, February 11, 2016

Am I Middle-Aged?

In case there was any doubt that I'm not a Southerner, I'm going to do something very un-southern for a lady - reveal my age! I am, in fact, 35 years old. Born in 1980, I'll be hitting 36 later this year. (Eeek!)

Why does this matter? Well, I recently read an article about primary voting that referred to "younger" voters as those under 35, and "older voters" as those 45 and up. A couple thoughts came to mind: A) Does this mean I am no longer young? B) Since when is 45 old? C) Are political demographers saying that middle age only last for 10 years?

I guess I've always thought of myself as a young person. At some point, I'll have to acknowledge that I'm middle-aged, but couldn't we wait until I hit the 40 mark? And then I plan to hang on to the "middle" label for several decades. As I used to tell my grandmother, "You aren't old until you're over 85."

However, my body lately has been reminding me that I'm not as spry as I used to be. Taking a quick inventory, I could lament about issues or pains in my back, wrists, hands, knee, and toe. (Ha ha, I think I just wrote a new song to sing to the babies!) I'm sure that picking up two 15-pound little people multiple times a day isn't helping my situation, nor is crawling around on the floor with them... 

Ok, time to go do some yoga stretches!

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