Wednesday, February 24, 2016

I Want a Parliament

Babies are demanding lots of attention today so I don't have lots of time to research this topic and see what others have said. Instead, I'll just chime in with my 2 cents.

I think the U.S. should switch to a parliamentary system of government.

Yes, this would be a major change. But you know what? Our current system is so dysfunctional that we need to something radical to get things moving again.

If we had a parliament, we wouldn't be stuck in this two-party world, where every issue gets reduced to a binary equation of "pro" or "con," nuance is thrown out the window, and gridlock gets worse every year. I mean, even if you tend to side with one party more than the other right now, I bet you can think of a few issues where you don't really toe the party line. And our congressional districts are so gerrymandered that it just leads to further polarization.

It would be better if we could have lots of different political parties with representatives chosen by the percentage of votes that their party received. Voters could choose the party that best matched their values or represented their interests in that election. Then when it's time to undertake the hard task of governing, the politicians of the various parties would have to work together to reach consensus to get things done. Shocking idea!

I realize that this is probably never going to happen. I have lots of ideas that are unlikely to come to fruition. But I'll keep dreaming :)

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