Friday, May 20, 2016

Babies In Motion

It's been two weeks since I've had the babies at home by myself all day. Grandma was in town visiting for a bit, then DF took a few days off work this week when A was sick and needing lots of extra attention. Now everyone is fairly healthy again, so Mom is flying solo.

Oh. My. Goodness. When did they get so mobile??

Baby B especially is getting into everything today! He's figured out how to navigate around obstacles that used to stop him. Already today I had to extract him from behind a chair where he was gleefully yanking on the curtains. I also did not know he could crawl up on a box that I have blocking some cords in the playroom, so I had to go rescue him when he tipped over and got stuck between the box and our chest freezer. Whoops! Time for more babyproofing, I see.

It's nice to see that A has more energy. For the better part of a week, he's just been laying around, snoozing on Mom or Dad, or crying whenever we put him down. Um yeah, that's pretty exhausting. Now he's nearly back to his old self, scooting all over floor, sneaking into the bathroom. I just ordered another baby gate to keep them out of there - it's their favorite room! The door latch is broken so it won't stay shut. A likes to lay on the floor in the hallway and kick the door open, then crawl in and chew on the bath mat. Gross...

I'm also finding it challenging to feed them their bottles simultaneously. Two weeks ago, they were just starting to try and slide/twist out of their chairs. (I put their carseats on the floor to feed them both at the same time.) Now, they are becoming expert escape artists. My fall-back plan used to be the swing and bouncy chair, but they have started folding themselves in half in an attempt to tip over and evade the confines of seat belts... I might have to move them to their high chairs for bottle time. It's going to be annoying if I have to unhook them every time they need to burp, though!

They seem to be really entertained by each other lately, more so than before. When they are eating regular food, I turn their high chairs slightly so they can see each other and they just crack up. It's quite cute :) They also like to chase each other around when crawling on the floor like little puppies.

As of yesterday, they are 11 months old. Getting bigger every day!

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