Monday, September 30, 2013

How quickly we forget

It's been 4 years now since I lived in Washington DC, and I've already forgotten what fall was like there. I have a vague recollection of it being pleasant and not too hot. One year I went to Gettysburg in early November and it was like 70 degrees, which I found amazing. But overall, it's kind of a blur.

Now I'm trying to adapt to autumn in the South, and it seems really different. As in, it still feels like summer. The last couple days have been a little rainy, but it's still warm. This week's forecasted highs are in the mid to upper 80s. And I haven't seen any leaves changing yet. The only reason I know that fall is coming is because everyone decided to start decorating for it.

Exhibit 1: pumpkins in the parking lot

I snapped this photo while we were driving by a Target parking lot. That's an inflatable pumpkin advertising the "pumpkin patch" set up there - as in, a bunch of hay bales with pumpkins placed on them along Germantown Pkwy. It's like a Christmas tree stand for gourds. I have never seen this before but I've heard of such attractions in Southern California. When we saw the first one, I was really confused. Why don't people just go to a real pumpkin patch? But then I realized I was being rather snobby about it. Not everyone has the time, resources, or desire to bundle their kids up in boots and tromp around in the mud just to pick out a pumpkin they could've easily bought at the grocery store.

I reminded myself to be a good exchange student and say, "It's not good or bad; it's just different." Inflatable pumpkins in parking lots. That's different!

Exhibit 2: fall wreaths

Ok, so I don't have a photo of the actual wreaths I saw at the Cordova festival, but believe me, they exist. Here are some examples of similar creations. This is another phenomenon to which I say, "that's different!" There might be a few Northwesterners who are into seasonal wreaths, but I feel like this is more of a Southern thing. I refrained from buying one. I don't need to give the neighborhood insects another nesting place...

Meanwhile, I'm kind of glad not to be in Seattle about now, where they keep having crazy wind/rain storms and it feels like winter already. No thanks, I'll just keep milking this extended summer for all its worth :)

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