Friday, December 11, 2015

Emerging Personalities

The boys are starting to be awake a bit more often, so I'm able to see their personalities develop now. It's hard to predict the future from how a 4-month old behaves, though. I suppose it's more likely that, as they get older, I'll look back on these baby days and say, "Oh, now I see why you were like that!"

Baby A, the older brother, so far seems to be more noisy and expressive. I call him the "spokes-twin" as he is usually the first one to start making noises. He tends to be a little more patient and calm when it comes to getting his needs met. He's usually content to lay in his crib for awhile and look at his mobile or just chew on his fingers while his brother's getting his diaper changed. Perhaps he'll be taking on the traditional role of the older brother, trying to be a good example to his younger sibling.

Baby B really seems to enjoy one-on-one parental attention. He will "talk" up a storm at the end of his feedings if you make eye contact with him and say "ooh ooh, ga ga" or something else in baby-ese. Sometimes he'll interrupt a feeding if he has a lot on his mind. And also when he's supposed to be going to sleep, he likes to look up and me and start babbling. I predict he'll be the kid who wants to have deep, philosophical conversations to prolong bedtime (taking after his mother).

Just recently, they seem to have discovered each other and now they are kind of obsessed with seeing what their brother is doing. They always want to look at the other one while burping. When they are playing on their play mat, they like to grab onto each other or chew on the other's hands. I hope this is a good sign of many happy years of cooperative play time to come!

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