Friday, February 19, 2016

8 months!

It's the boys' 8-month birthday today! This means they are almost at the 6-month mark for their corrected age, since they were born a little more than 2 months early. I was looking back at some photos from their early days. Oh my! They certainly have come a long way in just a few months.

They have checkups with a physical therapist every 3 months. (Since they were preemies, they are more likely to have developmental delays.) At their last appointment earlier in February, they were on track for their corrected/adjusted age in most categories. That's good! I've noticed lately that B seems more into moving and rolling around than A is. B likes to flip over and flail about to get toys. A will maybe roll once, then after that he tries other techniques like kicking toys so he can reach them, or stealing things from his brother when in reach.

On the "mom" front, I think I might finally be getting the hang of things. I know I've said that before, but really, it's true this time :)  The boys have settled into a fairly predictable routine. They get up at 7am and eat about every 3 hours. They are still napping after every feeding, however briefly. I think their 5:15pm "cat nap" will not be with us much longer, but maybe I can move bed time up a bit. As it is, they go to be around 7:15-7:30pm. They are still each waking up a couple times at night, but it's getting to be less and less, and they go back to sleep pretty easily (usually...hope I'm not jinxing myself by proclaiming this on the internet...).

I try to get us out of the house once a day. If we have nowhere specific to be, we at least take a walk or visit a park. When the weather is not cooperating, we might just go for a drive. We went to Kroger for the first time last week where we only got accosted by a couple grandma-types going, "Oh, are those twiiiiiiiiins? They are so preeeeeeeecious!" Seriously, if I ever need a pick-me-up, I just have to take the babies out in public and let them bring joy to the world.

They are really getting to be more active lately. I feel like they are kind of starting to figure life out, and it doesn't overwhelm them so much. They understand that bottles are for eating - they get excited and open their mouths widely when a bottle is in the vicinity. They both love to chew on their toes, or socks if I am so rude as to cover their toes with fabric. We've started feeding them a few solid foods. A thinks all food is awesome. B thinks it's mostly gross, except for pears, which are acceptable. A is happy to eat all of B's leftovers.

Well, that's the update from twin land. I suppose it might sound kind of boring to you, but to me, this is life now, and I'm enjoying it :)


  1. They're so different! Do you think one takes more after you or Matt and vice versa?

  2. It's hard to tell so far. They seem to change on a daily basis!
