Monday, February 1, 2016

How We Change

When I was a kid, I really didn't like being away from home. Inevitably, I wound up sick to my stomach at every sleepover I went to. My parents had to come pick me up from summer camp once because I was in such a miserable state. Perhaps this is a normal phase to go through, though it seemed to hang around for the better part of my childhood...

I recall when I went to college, about 200 miles away from my family, wanting to just quit and go home in the first few weeks. But I have a pretty vivid memory of walking through campus, feeling nervous and uncomfortable, when I told myself, "I am going to stay and it's going to get better. I'm going to enjoy college life." You know what? I made it! Not only did I survive college, but I really liked it. I branched out and tried new things like student government. I went on retreats, and my parents didn't have to come rescue me because I was turning green in the nurses office!

By my senior year, I got super brave and studied abroad in Central America. Knowing what I know now, I'm kind of surprised I got accepted into the program at all since I wrote in my application essay that I was "a paranoid hypochondriac"...uh, that's a red flag, people! Perhaps it explains why I got waitlisted, actually :) When I arrived in Costa Rica, I did have to deal with some nerves and anxiety at first, but my host family was really kind and patient with me. I settled in soon enough and had a superb experience overall, even though I was encountering new and different things every single day.

Before long, I was moving from Seattle to DC for school without batting an eye. That began my jet setting lifestyle, where I was flying back and forth across the country at least twice a year. Then upon relocating back to Seattle, I got a job that required such frequent travel that I was routinely achieving "elite" airline status. Travel no longer made me nervous; it became routine to the point that I always had my quart-sized zipper bag of liquids filled up and ready to go.

I say all this to explain why it's so strange to me now that I haven't been on an airplane in nearly a year. My subconscious is getting restless, I can tell - I keep having dreams that involve travel. I am not joking. Recent dreams have included airports, hotels, convention centers, boats, cruise ships, various types of buses, bus stops, and all sorts of travel-related scenarios.

Who would have thought the girl who used to be scared to spend the night at a friend's house would now be itching to go explore somewhere new? I hope I can instill a love of "newness" and adventure in my kids. Maybe they'll inherit their father's easy-going nature, rather than their mother's penchant for worrying.


  1. I suspect travelling with two boys is going to be no fun for the next 15 years or so... :P

    1. I sure hope it will be fun sooner than that! Maybe by the time they are like 3rd grade? Old enough to sit still in the car but not too old to be like, "Mom, this is lame!"
