Saturday, October 22, 2016

16 Months, Part 2

After I wrote yesterday's post, I realized I'd forgotten to inform the boys' fan club that they have a few more new tricks :)

This kind of looks like they are trying to do headstands. As in, they'll be standing up, then lean down and put their head on the floor. They also put their heads down on the floor when sitting in low little chairs. Invariably, they crack themselves up by doing it.

More Noise
In addition to all the animal noises I already mentioned, "ambulance siren" and "vrooming truck" are also part of their sound repertoire.

Not so much hats as just any random fabric - they love to put stuff on their heads, like shirts, blankets, towels. Then they walk/crawl around and giggle. Gibson particularly enjoys blind walking, aka covering his whole head and face then trying to walk around. As you may expect, he usually crashes into something...

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