Sunday, November 20, 2016

17 Months, Part 2

Per my tradition, I thought of more things the kids have been doing that I forgot to include in yesterday's post. Woo hoo, I don't have to think of a new topic today!

They are totally into music these days. They have this Little Einstein piano. I don't remember who gave it to them, but thank you again because they love it! For awhile, they preferred the animal sounds setting, where the piano meows, barks, and quacks. But now they've moved on to the instrument option that plays little snippets of classical songs. They seriously played with the piano all day yesterday! I mean, they'd go off and do other things, but when they came back to the piano, they were still having fun with it. They kind of bounce along/bop their heads with the music :)

We have some empty plastic tubs that they use as drums, which are also a bit hit. And if they're being fussy, we turn on the Toddler Tunes music channel on TV. It's a great distraction tool.

Gibson has started spinning in circles, with or without musical accompaniment. I haven't managed to catch it on video yet - I'll keep trying. They both like if we hold them and dance around (waltz!), and they also bounce and clap on their own.

Language Comprehension
I am always surprised when they first demonstrate that they can understand something I've said. I feel like they are my little English students. I'm so happy for them when the comprehension clicks. Just the other day, we were going to put on our shoes before going outside. I told Gus, "sit down," and he sat right down on the floor! I was like, no way, you understood me!!!

In the mornings after they get up, I don't rush them out for breakfast right away. My stomach needs some time to wake up, so I figure theirs do, too. Once they start acting a little grouchy, I say, "Are you hungry? Do you want some breakfast?" They say, "ah ah!" and walk out to the dining room! Well, usually one of them makes it while the other gets distracted by a toy along the way. We're definitely making progress.

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