Monday, November 21, 2016


It's time for more Southern idioms! Try to guess what this one means.

They really got sideways for awhile.

Were these people...?

A) lost
B) disagreeing
C) having sex

The correct answer, based on my observations so far, is B! (I mean, C might could also be applicable, but I'm talking about polite conversation here.)

I can't find any websites to corroborate my interpretation, so I hope it's right. I keep hearing the expression "sideways" used in context of two people who are in conflict about something.

Example: Friend A notices that Friend B has been drinking a lot lately, more than usual, and worries B might be an alcoholic. A tries to talk to B about her concerns. B doesn't want to listen and yells at A to leave her alone. A and B don't have any contact for awhile. Then B acknowledges she has a drinking problem and apologizes to A for the fight. So during that period of time where they weren't speaking to each other, they were "sideways."

Southerners, is my interpretation in the ballpark here?

I can't think of a similar expression in my Northwestern vocabulary; I'd just say something like "we were fighting" or "we weren't speaking to each other." I like sideways because it makes the disagreement sound more poetic :)

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