Friday, November 6, 2015

Being a Mom of Multiples

Before I had twins, I was not aware how many people think twins/multiples are fascinating. Sure, I watched the TV specials about the Dilly sextuplets because, come on, 6 babies at once is kind of amazing. But I never really paid too much attention to twins, didn't dream of one day having twins, etc etc. My younger sister sometimes wanted to dress like me and pretend we were twins, but I was not interested in that!

And now, here I find myself as the mom of identical twin boys. Surprise! I've discovered that a lot of my family member and friends think this is a really exciting thing. Since I'm responsible for taking care of them most of the time, I'm usually too exhausted to be excited. Two babies are a lot of work. But yes, abstractly, I guess it's pretty cool.

So far we've hardly gone out in public at all, but whenever we do random strangers stare at us and say, "Oh, twins!" Yes people, I am quite aware that I have two babies here...eventually we'll be able to go to Target without causing a scene, right?

Apparently there are whole university departments devoted to the study of twins. Wow!

I hope that as the boys get older, they will get along well and be good friends, and I won't have to entertain them all the time. Currently, they don't really understand that there is another baby inhabiting their sphere. If I lay them down next to each other, sometimes I see one of them chewing on the other's arm, or kicking each other in the gut. Off to a great start, right? :)

File under: NaBloPoMo Day 6

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