Wednesday, November 18, 2015

How to Unload a Moving Truck

We didn't know anyone here when we decided to move to Memphis. Nary a soul! So I got creative when it came to unpacking the 16-foot truck that held all our earthly possessions. Here's how it worked (note: I've only tried this once, so I can't guarantee it always works in all situations...)

How to Unload a Moving Truck
1. Search online for moving companies in your new city. Realize there aren't many, they are rather expensive, and you don't know how to tell the good from the bad. Consider posting a "help wanted" ad on Craigslist. Decide against it when you remember that creepy Craigslist killer.

2. As a Christian, you think that church people are probably trustworthy. Use Google Maps to find churches near your new apartment. Check out their websites. Find one (or more) that seems like a good-sized church with a lot of "outreach" ministries.

3. Cold call the church. Explain your situation and ask if they have any members who might be looking for odd jobs that you could hire to help you unload the truck.

4. Get transferred to the college pastor. Be told that, of course, they'd love to help you for no charge, just to share God's love. He'll assemble a team and be ready to go.

5. Roll into town late on a Thursday night. Friday morning, greet a dozen strangers as they merrily unpack your belongings seemingly unfazed by the 90% humidity level outside.

6. Offer sincere thanks to your helpers, then realize that's all you have to give them as you don't even know where your cups are to give them a glass of water.

7. When the helpers go out to get pizza afterwards, they invite you to come along, then insist on buying your pizza as a gesture of "southern hospitality." You are amazed at this alternate dimension you have entered, as nothing like this would've ever happened in Seattle!

And yes, in case you're wondering, this is the same church we wound up attending. We decided if the members were that nice to total strangers, we must have found a good place to belong!

File under: NaBloPoMo Day 18

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