Saturday, November 28, 2015

Blooper Reel

Today's post is another reader-suggested topic: tell us some funny stories of things that happened during pregnancy/first months of parenthood. You know I like to entertain the masses! I'm sure a lot more funny things happened, but I've already forgotten them, I brain...

My food aversions and cravings started pretty early on in pregnancy. I suddenly wanted to eat canned peaches all the time, and macaroni and cheese (even though I'm lactose intolerant). Those were easy enough to fulfill, but then I got a big-time craving for Taco Time crisp bean burritos. Problem! Taco Time doesn't have any locations in Memphis. I tried making them myself at home. They were not too bad, actually. One day I hit rock bottom and actually started craving Taco Bell. Prior to that, I don't think I'd eaten at Taco Bell for the better part of a decade after reading some article about how their "meat" is super sketchy. Nevertheless, there I was, chomping on a crunchy taco...on multiple occasions!

1) I had made some toast and was carrying it out to the living room when, for a reason I can't recall, I had to go over to the front door. As I approached the door, my plate tilted and the toast fell on the floor. I tried to pick it up, but I literally could not bend over that far. So, it laid there until DF got home from work. By that point, I'd forgotten about it until he said, "Uh, is there a reason that bread is laying on the floor over here?"

2) One Saturday morning, I was sitting on the couch, thinking about attacking the day. I asked DF, "Did I take a shower yet today?" He said, "No." About 2 seconds later, I picked up my water glass to take a drink, proceeding to miss my mouth and dump water all over myself. Well, that's one way to shower.

3) We were starting to pack up to move (we moved from an apartment to house when I was 6.5 months along). I was home alone, squatting by a box in the bedroom looking for something. Suddenly I could feel myself losing my balance and couldn't do anything about it. I tipped over like an egg! Luckily I was already close to the ground and the closet door was right behind me, so I didn't fall too far.

Sleep Deprivation
This one is courtesy of my mother, who was visiting and helping out with the babies when they first came home from the hospital. One night she was assisting with the night shift. Being in the 60+ category, sleep deprivation was pretty tough on her and she found it a bit challenging to actually stay awake for night duties. She was feeding one of the babies in bed, put him up on her shoulder to burp him, and then woke up a bit later patting herself on the face. Burp the grandma!

Gas Cloud
[This is a fart story. If that grosses you out, skip this part!]
Last week I had both the boys on their play mat doing tummy time. They were getting hungry, so I flipped them over to their backs and was getting ready to carry them out to the living room. One had his butt right over the other one's head and he took advantage of that opportunity to totally let one rip! Then he chuckled and the victim whimpered. I'm sure that was just the first of many fart wars. Plus, he got his brother back later by kicking him in the head during another play session... Seriously, I better watch out for these two.

File under: NaBloPoMo Day 28

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